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      We completed our Math Survey in December, 2024 and the data that came back was that there is a distinct jump from a high level of confidence  and enjoyment when doing math in primary grades to the intermediate grades where they feel less confidence which leads to less joy when doing math. 

       We took this information to our District Math Consultant, Janice Novokowski and she explained that this is a global issue.  As students get older, they lose confidence, don't want to share answers in case they are wrong, and do not see meaning in the learning of mathematical concepts.  

      Janice also worked in a variety of our classrooms to see how students were working with math and what she noticed is that there is a gap in the use of common mathematical language amongst the grades.  Having the common language and learning it from early primary sets students up for success when engaging with math, giving them more confidence in the older grades.  

      At our January staff meeting the staff all looked at the data to discuss what we noticed and what some next steps could be for student learning.  We decided that the evidence indicates we should be working on developing common language beginning in Kindergarten and taking it right through into grade 7.  Getting on the same page with common language, building confidence with strategies and skills so that they can be applied to problem solving situations will help our students be successful in their mathematical futures. 

      On our Pro d day on January 24th, we will be working, planning, and collaborating with Janice and focusing on the mathematical terms decomposing, composing, annexing, benchmark numbers, and the distributive property.  Janice will support us in the learning of the daily routines and strategies of how to work with these important terms with students.  In June, we hope to see that students across grades can name and explain these terms more thoughtfully and thoroughly then they can today.  

Updated: Wednesday, January 15, 2025